Athletic Emergency Action Plan
Hartford GAA has written an emergency plan that should be followed in the event of a medical emergency. All coaches should be familiar with this document and their role and responsibility in an emergency. Any questions should be directed to Lori Flaherty.
An emergency is the need for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to give further medical attention and/or transport an athlete to the hospital. It is important in these situations that coordination between the athletic trainer, coaches, administrators and responders be effective. This guide is intended to delineate roles and outline the protocol to be followed should an emergency occur. Situations when 911 should be called are:
- an athlete is not breathing
- an athlete has lost consciousness
- it is suspected that an athlete may have a neck or back injury
- an athlete has an open fracture (bone has punctured through the skin)
- severe heat exhaustion or suspected heat stroke
- severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
Hartford GAA Trained First Aiders
Gaelic Football Coach

Rory McGloin
Gaelic Football Coach
Phone: 860 123 4567

Patrick McKenna
Youth Coach

Lori Flaherty
Hartford GAA Chairperson
Phone: 860 456 7890

Jonny O'Keefe
Gaelic Football Coach

Mike Lanza
Hurling Coach

Brian Park
Youth Coach
Roles of First Responders
- Immediate care of the injured or ill athlete.​
- Call 911 and stay on the line with the dispatcher until the EMS teams arrive. Provide the following information:
- address
- Irish American Home, 132 Commerce St, Glastonbury, CT 06033​
- Irish Cultural Center, 200 New Boston Dr, Canton, MA 02021
- contact telephone number
- number of individuals injured
- condition of injured
- first aid treatment received
- any known medical history of the athlete(s)
- specific directions to the scene
- other information as requested
- address
- Emergency equipment retrieval
- First Aid Kit is with the team kit bag.
- AED/Defibrillator
- Glastonbury, CT - In the downstairs bar by the main entrance​
- Canton, MA - In the club house beside field A
- ​​Designate individuals to “flag down” medical emergency services and direct them to the scene. (refer to below map for entrance locations at Glastonbury CT and Canton MA locations)
- Make sure the route to the scene is clear of obstacles.​
- Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area.
- Use a large blanket to provide privacy during treatment. ​
- Designate a member of the Hartford GAA to travel in the ambulance to the hospital if no family member is present.
- If not present, call the emergency contact for the injured athlete(s), this can be found in the wix admin app, a paper list will also be with the team kit bag. Calmly inform the emergency contact of the details of the medical emergency, provide them with the hospital address and the phone number of the member of the club who has travelled in the ambulance.
- If needed, arrange for the transportation of any personal items and vehicle belonging to the injured athlete(s)
AED and EMS Entrance Location at Glastonbury, CT

AED and EMS Entrance Location at Canton, MA